It’s time to kick off our women’s spring soccer season! Are you ready? Everything you need to know to get you off to a great start is on this page.
- Women’s soccer is offered in the spring to sixth through 12th-grade women.
- Most practices and home games are played on our soccer field at the Faith Christian Academy campus, 4330 NW Cookingham Dr., Kansas City, MO 64164.
- We will also practice at Central Bank Sporting Fields: 9101 N Line Creek Pkwy Unit Fieldhouse 1, Kansas City, MO 64154
- Click here for our practice and game schedule (all schedules are subject to change).
How To Register
Step One: | Complete and return a registration form by Friday, February 23, 2024. |
Step Two: | Complete a sports physical form* and return by the first practice, Thursday, February 29, 2024. |
Step Three: | Complete payment plan form or pay in full at or before the first practice, Thursday, February 29, 2024. |
*FCA Knights’ athletic program no longer offers a free sports physical clinic.
Junior high athlete (6th-8th grade) | $325 |
Varsity athlete (9th-12th grade) | $425 |
Registration fees cover all expenses for the season including home game passes, formal photos, and uniforms. Registration fees do not include away game passes, out-of-town tournament fees, and optional purchases (t-shirts, spirit wear, etc.).
*A junior high team will be offered based on junior high athlete interest. As of now, we have an 8 game schedule for JH girl’s soccer.
Methods of payment include FACTS ACH, cash, check, or email for a PayPal link. Paying by PayPal does increase the amount by 3% to cover fees. Make checks payable to Faith Christian Academy or FCA. Please note the athlete’s name and sport on the memo line. Mail checks to Faith Christian Academy, Attention: Athletic Director, 4330 NW Cookingham Dr., Kansas City, MO 64164.
TEAM APP is how we communicate with you about everything! Look for information and important updates including photos, practice and game schedule changes, live streaming, and much more!
For questions, contact the athletic director at

Important Dates
23 February 2024 | Women’s soccer registration forms due |
29 February 2024 | First Practice (Physicals and Payment Due) |
29 February 2024 | Payment or completed payment form (if you are setting up a payment plan) due |