Welcome Back!
We’re so excited to see you again and to get into the school year!
Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday (7:30-4:00 pm)
Available electronically on Tuesday
Closed on Thursday

Communication Through the Year
Nunciatio will be updated as needed throughout the year. A reminder email will be sent out every week on Monday.
2024-2025 FCA School Calendar
The 2024-2025 FCA school calendar is live and accessible through Nunciatio. Check there to find a link to the calendar page where the printable 2024-2025 FCA school calendar is housed, along with a link to the all-school Google calendar and the Knights’ Athletics Google calendar.
The 2024-2025 Uniform Policy Statement is available on the RESOURCES landing page in Nunciatio!
2024-2025-Uniform-PolicyClick here for a printable copy of the 2024-2025 Uniform Policy Statement.
FACTS is a tremendous resource for FCA families, providing information as varied as family accounting statements to student grade cards. Below are vital instructions to get you started, along with a link to this site. Please direct any questions about FACTS to the FCA office (office@fcaclassical.com).
Click here for a printable copy of the FACTS instructions.
2024-2025-FACTS-Instructions-RevisedParent Service Opportunities
Look for opportunities to serve throughout the year in our all-school newsletter, Nunciatio.
Parent Engagement
Coffee and Conversation

FCA’s parent discussion group aspires to forge friendships around a shared appreciation of Christian classical education. Coffee and light snacks accompany lively discussion. Join us if you can (even if you haven’t read); read anyway (even if you can’t join us).
Constant in Prayer
- Prayer time is structured to include praise, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession.
- The venue may differ from week to week; please RSVP to let us know you plan to attend.
- Moms are welcome to come and participate by praying silently or observing how the meetings are structured.

Parent Community
Parent Community connects parents to class parents who communicate and spearhead
collaboration needed for activities and events in the classroom and the school.
Parent Community encourages families to participate and engage in school,
capitalizing on their interests, gifts, talents, abilities, and specialties.
Inclement Weather Alerts
Parents, to be alerted by text when there inclement weather, check Nunciatio for instructions. You will also be alerted via email, through social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram), through local news media, our newsletter, and right here.