Genuine Christian education holds that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10). All instruction at Faith Christian Academy acknowledges that life, knowledge, and meaning extend from our Creator, and that “our hearts are restless until they rest in God.” (Augustine)
Our Christ-centered curriculum provides more than just a Bible class. Instead, by integrating scripture throughout the curriculum, we present the Lord as the One in whom all knowledge is unified. This approach enables all subjects, whether history, art, music, literature, mathematics, or science, to be taught in light of God’s existence, and the revelation of Himself to humanity through His Word and His Son, Jesus Christ. We lead students in pursuit of truth, knowing that all Truth, Beauty, and Goodness are from Him and to Him. Our prayer is that each student develops a deep, genuine relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Our Sequence of Biblical Instruction
- Kindergarten: What a Wonderful World
- First: God’s Great Story
- Second: Genesis to Ruth
- Third: Judges Through the Death of Solomon
- Fourth: Kings and Prophets
- Fifth: Biblical Foundations: The Gospels
- Sixth: Biblical Foundations: Acts Through Revelation
- Seventh: Biblical Foundations: Old Testament Types and Shadows
- Eighth: Church History
- Ninth: Biblical Interpretation
- Tenth: Christian Theology
- Eleventh: Christian Ethics
- Twelfth: Apologetics