All-School Google Calendar
Below is the FCA All-School Google calendar. This calendar contains all-school activities as we schedule them (e.g., chapels, Coffee and Conversation, Constant in Prayer). In addition, we add information about the event once we have it. Get in the habit of checking this calendar for all things new. We will also call your attention to any changes in Nunciatio.
Knights’ Athletics Google Calendar
Below is the Knights’ Athletics Google calendar. This calendar contains athletic competitions. Each event will also include details about the event (e.g., where the event is taking place, cost of admission, times of matches/games). In order to know information about each athletic event with the most accuracy, get in the habit of checking this calendar on game day.
2024-2025 Paper Calendar
Below is the 2024-2025 paper calendar. The paper calendar contains events that are firm and not likely to change. If events on this calendar do change, that will be reflected in the Google calendar. Use this calendar alongside the FCA Google calendar.
2024-2025-FCA-Event-Calendar-Revised-08_12_2024Click here for a printable copy of the 2024-2025 paper calendar.
Look for notifications of any changes to calendars in Nunciatio.